Monday 30 July 2012

The big things...

I haven't won the lottery yet and no distant uncle I never knew I had, has died leaving me his enchanted castle, complete with hidden treasure (you know, down the secret corridor behind the library). As such I will just have to save the pennies before I can do some of the following:

This is Yee Peng Festival, it looks just like the disney film, Tangled. 

And this, this is Easter Island. It's a tiny island right out in middle of the Pacific ocean, miles and miles from anywhere. In fact it's the most remote island in the whole wide world! Once upon a time it was covered in forests but after over farming and deforestation, it's pretty much marsh land now. Either way, it's home to 877 giant heads, which I personally think resemble my older brother. I've been dying to go since I was 4 years old. This will happen. And when it does, I'll tell you all about it. 

South Heavenly hike, on the Yellow mountains in China. Looks cool huh?! I'm not a massive fan of heights but I figure if something scares you, then you're just going to have to do it, fear only grows as you get old. Abseil - done, sky dive - done...China - I'm coming for you! 

Speaking of heights....
I'm not saying I want to do this, I mean I'm not crazy. I just wanted to share it with you, it's pretty darn cool! 

Unfortunately not every moment in life can feel like this:
Most people have to go to work and pay bills and spend too much money in the pub (I mean with friends but each to their own) and catch the latest Batman film and have that extra 5 minutes in bed after the alarm snatches you from that dream; but whilst I save for the big things, let's enjoy the little things too?

Shall we?

So last year my 60 year old mother went hiking in the Himalayas, had laser eye surgery, lost 2 stone, set up English teaching resources in some schools in Gambia (I believe the teachers ended up pretending to be tigers?!), wrote and directed a play and is now attempting to revolutionise mathematics; along with about a zillion other projects! 
Clearly some people are just over achievers! 

It did get me thinking though. My life goals of one day looking like this:
                                                           *This is obviously Cameron Diaz, we only work with realistic goals here!

And owning a pair of these: 
                                                                                            *Look, look at how beautiful they are!!
Aren't really cutting it. 

I'll always want to be a dress size smaller, half a stone lighter, half an inch taller and I will NEVER have enough shoes but I'm pretty sure I can aim a little higher. 

So here we are, I guess this is a sort of bucket list. 

Please, feel free to join me on the journey.